It seems everyone is online on social media, posting video and photo content consistently, on their way to becoming the next influencer. They look so natural doing this right? They make it look so easy. Well let me tell you this for free, it takes work and TIME! Some are natural born creators, however, the majority of us have had to build up the confidence to present ourselves to the world! Confidence to put yourself in front of the phone camera is something you build and believe me you are not alone in building it. Here are 5 steps to encourage you to build confidence to post regularly online.
1. Start small: We all have to start somewhere right? Share content that you are comfortable with; maybe you won't show up on video but take a short video of what you do and share a caption about who you are and what your business does. Don't like your voice? Use the voiceover feature or captions instead building confidence in what you have to say.
2. Focus on your strengths: Identify what you're good at or passionate about and showcase that in your posts. When you talk about your strengths, it shows up authentically and comfortably.
3. Embrace imperfection: Listen, my first reels, posts videos and Instagram Lives were basic and raw but it drew people because I was just being me. One tip is to post without editing. That video may not be pushed by the algorithm but that post is for YOU. It shows you have got what it takes and you can be online. Remember that nobody is perfect, and imperfections can make you relatable and endearing to your audience. We are not perfect people so embrace imperfection as part of the social media journey. In fact, it takes HOURS OF RECORDING and HOURS OF EDITING to make things look like a perfect set up.
4. Engage with your audience: Interact with your followers by responding to comments, asking questions, and sharing their content. Building a supportive community on Instagram can boost your confidence and make you feel more comfortable sharing your own content.
5. Practice self-care: Take care of your mental and emotional well-being by practicing self-care activities that make you feel good about yourself because the danger of comparing is real! Whether it's exercise, meditation, spending time with loved ones, or pursuing hobbies, prioritizing self-care can help boost your confidence to post on Instagram. Don't forget to schedule time where you are creating content, and time when you are just BEING in the moment. Enjoy your meal with friends, you don't have to create content then, (unless you are a restaurant critique or building a blog about food or restaurants in which case click away!).
I hope these tips have been of help to you on your content creation journey. I always think of a scriptural principle, "there is a time for everything under the sun." Plan your content days, stick to your plan, create, post and don't look back! Keep moving forward and greatness will come later.
Alright lovelies, take care. You got this.